Another day is here and gone. Another page turned. Another lesson learnt.
Began with a lecture in 'Print' by a new professor who told us of the syllabus and it seemed technical but interesting. Then I headed for the Nirmala Niketan college for Social Work with Rachel and Vallari. The students and staff there had come up with this thing. Volunteers would connect with victims or families and understand all their needs. Financial, Psychological, Emotional, etc etc etc... Seemed a more pro active way of handling the sort of anger that I was feeling post the attacks along with the fact that I'd be able to make someone a little more comfortable with their life. So I volunteered. I am looking forward to working for this. Then again, I will be working with another group of people as I think I'd mentioned earlier. We are working towards coming up with a few solutions as far as governance is concerned. I hope all this goes somewhere....
Well, then after that we headed for some work at Andheri. We were thinking to do our project later but we were so tired, we decided to do it later. So I came home and tried to sleep for some time. However, my parents were back from a family function and had the usual family news so I heard them, gave my comments and then was too restless to go to sleep. So then i came online for a while and checked my mail, Facebook, etc...
But then all of a sudden I felt so drowsy, I got off and went to take a nap. When I opened my eyes, I realized it was 9 and for a wild moment thought it was 9 the next morning. Which would mean I'd missed the sunday lecture at college and I rolled in my bed, upset. Then i looked out the window and saw that it was still dark and registered that it was 9 in the evening!! Then my sis told me that the movie download that I'd started was complete. It was Cinderella that I'd been trying to get for sometime. Finally, I saw the movie tonight after almost a decade. I remember, I had seen that one around a billion times when I was a kid. I loved seeing it today!!!
but somewhere, a skepticism, or whatever it was, lingered. It was this movie that had brought the idea of the 'Ideal' man into my head. And as of now, I haven't come across any one who could play that role in the movie of my life and it suddenly filled me with a sense of sadness... hopelessness. I will never have a fairy god mother who will wave her wand and make life so easy for me. I will have to take the hard way. And about Prince Charming, well, the little I spoke of it, the better....
And now, as I'm getting ready, this is the though that I'm carrying with me: There are those who's life has been really unfair to them. My time is better utilised trying to get them to come to terms with it and cope. That is what I will do. And as for Prince Charming, I'm not too desperate but not too hopefull either. Let him come in his own sweet time if he ever intends to make an appearance, that is. Till then, I'll be on my way....
Good Night!!
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